Дошкольное образование, центры развития детей

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Архивы Teachers - Центр образования MaximУМ

Back to work after baby? Infant teachers share tips to make the transition easier

Just when you were getting the hang of having a baby, it’s time to go back to work. Besides the expected changes (picking your tasks back up, catching up on all the office gossip you’ve missed), your priorities have shifted now that you’re a parent. Lunch breaks might turn into pumping time, while happy hours […]

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How do you choose a caregiver

We know that trusting new caregivers with your baby (or toddler or preschooler) is a big step. We get it. You’re probably feeling all the big feelings right now: worry, guilt, and maybe even relief that you will get the help you deserve. There will be focus throughout this year on mastering letters, sounds, and […]

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The best learning toys for little kids, recommended by teachers!

Why are preschool classrooms still full of simple, classic toys and activities we played with when we were kids? The answer is simple: While times have changed, brain development hasn’t! In fact, children learn best through play, when they’re relaxed, engaged, and having fun! Building blocks, play dough, and crafts allow children to do so […]

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